1.4.0 (03 / 2024)

Release notes for release 1.4.0.

Release notes 03/2024

Release number: 1.4.0 Release date: 20th March, 2024 Notes updated: 20th March, 2024 Current state: Stable

The most significant improvements to the Upright model compared to the previous release 1.3.0 are listed below. More information on releases can be found on page Release cycle.

Net impact

  • Net impact sum has been added as a secondary aggregate metric representing net impact in addition to Net impact ratio. Net impact sum is calculated by subtracting the total sum of negative impact, or costs, the company creates, from the sum of positive impacts

  • Input data for the value chain model has been updated by integrating an input-output dataset USEEIOv2. Value chain model now more accurately captures factors such as transportation, telecommunications and energy use across all industries

  • The modeling of the pulp and paper industry and related value chains has been updated by granularization of the downstream uses of paper products. Biodiversity impacts of logging and energy consumption in pulp and paper production have been calibrated to follow latest scientific research

  • The allocation of impact from enabled industries to investing and lending has been systematized

  • Negative environmental impacts for biofuels and biomass, especially GHG, non-GHG and biodiversity impacts, have increased due to the higher number of scientific articles contributing to the results

  • The precision of value flow information for energy power plant construction, operation, maintenance and modernisation, as well as the electricity products, has been improved. This has increased the value flow between these products, consequently narrowing the gaps in results: for example, power plant construction products now pass on more negative environmental impacts to the operational phase, resulting in a closer alignment of results between these stages

  • The positive impacts of wastewater management and hazardous and non-hazardous waste treatment are now explicitly reflected not only in the impact category waste but also in the broader context of societal infrastructure. This update has increased the overall net impact for these products

  • Mined elements, such as base metals and precious metals, have heightened their environmental impacts as the model captures an increasing number of scientific articles discussing the adverse effects on emissions and the harm to biodiversity caused by mining

EU taxonomy

  • EU taxonomy metrics have been updated to align with the most recent criteria set by the Commission in the Taxonomy Environmental Delegated Act and Climate Delegated Act amendments published in November 2023. The changes apply to reporting as of January 2024

    • Updates concern all objectives. The most significant alterations are in the eligibility of non-climate environmental objectives:

      • Sustainable use of water and marine resources

      • Transition to circular economy

      • Pollution prevention and control

      • Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems

    • The numbering and naming of activities have been updated to match the contents of the Taxonomy Delegated Acts

  • Fund and company group level EU-taxonomy metrics have been updated to exclude sovereign bonds, commodities, non-companies and business units

Last updated