1.0.0 (04 / 2023)

Release notes for release 1.0.0.

Release notes 04/2023

Release number: 1.0.0 Release date: 21st April, 2023 Notes updated: 14th June, 2023 Current state: Stable

The most significant improvements to the Upright model compared to the previous release 0.8.0 are listed below. More information on releases can be found on page Release cycle.

Company coverage

  • Upright is increasing its public platform coverage to 10,000+ profiles based on companies' public information. Also Uprightโ€™s off-the-shelf company coverage for subscribed users has been increased

Net impact

  • Impact cents per dollar has been introduced as the new default unit of measure of impact scores. Previously used relative scores remain available for the users on platform and via API. Additionally annual dollars have been made available as a new measure of impact

  • Impact specific units, like CO2 equivalent tons and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), have been introduced to help correlate monetary impact values with outcomes in each impact category

  • Sector level value flows have been re-calibrated by incorporating millions of new value chain links based on various macroeconomic databases such as the OECD ICIO database and IEA electricity consumption statistics

  • The value chain distribution of impact has been more closely aligned with established value chain definitions:

    • Upstream impacts cover attributed impacts created by a companyโ€™s direct and indirect suppliers

    • Internal impacts cover impacts directly created by the companyโ€™s own activities

    • Downstream covers product end-use and disposal, as well as a attributed impact of direct and indirect customers of the company

  • Default economic costs and benefits of impacts have been reassessed based on the latest academic research and findings. This affects the relative sizes of individual impact categories. Read more about economic costs and benefits factors, and impact monetization methodology here

    • The most significant score increases appear in the following impact categories: Biodiversity+, Biodiversity-, Physical diseases-, Mental diseases-, Nutrition+, and Societal infrastructure+

    • The most significant score decreases appear in the following impact categories: Mental diseases+, Relationships-, Jobs+, and Scarce human capital-

EU taxonomy & SFDR Principal adverse impacts

  • EU SFDR PAI indicator estimates for Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions and Total energy consumption have been updated using a broader set of company disclosure data points to provide more accurate estimates

API changes

  • In line with with the new monetary units for net impact data, a new API query parameter scoreUnit has been introduced to control which unit any queried impact scores are returned in

    • This scoreUnit parameter is supported by the following end-points:

    • The scoreUnit parameter accepts one of the three following values:

      • classic (default until 1.0.0): The returned scores use same scale as the Upright platform has been using until 1.0.0 release

      • cents-per-dollar (default from release 1.1.0 onwards): The returned scores describe how many cents of cost / benefit the assessable produces for each dollar of its total revenue

      • dollars-per-year: The returned scores describe how many dollars of cost / benefit the assessable produces every year with its revenue

Upcoming breaking change: the default value of the scoreUnit parameter will change from classic to cents-per-dollar in release 1.1.0 (scheduled for June). Specifying scoreUnit before this change is recommended for all API integrations to ensure consistent response data. Further information will be provided prior to the change.

Last updated