0.6.0 (10 / 2022)

Release notes for release 0.6.0.

Release notes 10/2022

Release number: 0.6.0 Release date: 12th October, 2022 Notes updated: 5th December, 2022 Current state: Stable

The most significant improvements to the Upright model compared to the previous stable release 0.5.0 are listed below. More information on releases can be found on page Release cycle.

Company coverage

  • 2000 new companies have been added to Upright's company coverage

Net impact

  • Impacts that the private sector helps cause indirectly via non-marketable phenomena (e.g., sports or tourism) have been expanded in scope and calibrated against the volume of relevant research

  • In the societal infrastructure impact, an additional data source has been introduced: information on what is considered “critical infrastructure” according to different governmental organisations (e.g. by Finnish, US and Canadian governments). In addition, due to improvement product phrases more scientific research related to physiological basic needs of people is considered

  • Allocation of impacts via the value chain has been improved to consider even very niche products from which impact should be inherited

  • Value chain links between packaged products and packaging materials have been made more systematic. This has increased negative waste impacts for packaged products (e.g. for processed food and beverage products in disposable packaging)

  • As a general note, Upright continues to devote significant resources to the development of the model, including improvements in product taxonomy, value flows and broadening the range of product phrases catching scientific articles

UN SDG alignment

  • SDG 8 (Decent work and economic growth): Product mappings have been improved to follow the target descriptions more precisely. Cryptocurrencies and gaming related products no longer get alignment as they do not contribute significantly to “... higher levels of economic productivity” as described under target 8.2

  • Product mappings have been made more detailed for the transport and energy production sectors, with a focus on infrastructure. Improvements to the product mappings affect primarily alignments towards SDGs 9 and 11

  • More systematic decision criteria has been developed for SDG alignment on a target level. Implementing the new criteria has increased the quality of product mappings and led to minor improvements in (mis)alignments across all SDGs

EU taxonomy & SFDR Principal adverse impacts

  • Based on the final report with recommendations from the Platform on Sustainable Finance published on 30th March 2022, Upright’s eligibility data has been broadened to cover also the last four environmental objectives under the EU Taxonomy. Alignment data for the new objectives will be released during Q4/2022

  • The specific nuclear and gas energy activities as published in the Complementary Climate Delegated Act on the 30th March 2022 has been included in the EU Taxonomy eligibility and alignment data

  • A breakdown of eligibility and alignment data on the enabling/transitional activity types has been added to the EU taxonomy data

  • PAI Indicator estimates for Non-Renewable Energy Share and Hazardous Waste have been updated:

    • New disclosed PAI indicator values have been extracted from annual and sustainability reports and made available on the platform

    • Accuracy of PAI indicator estimates have been improved using the newly extracted disclosure data

  • 5th December 2022: Disclosure year has been added to disclosed EU taxonomy and PAI indicator data

  • 5th December 2022: Flags indicating whether EU taxonomy values are disclosed or estimated have been added to the platform and API

  • 5th December 2022: A bug incorrectly flagging PAI estimates as disclosures in the API has been fixed. The bug affected only a limited number of companies and mainly their PAI indicator Board gender diversity. To maintain reproducibility of results, fix has not been applied to previous stable releases 0.5.0, 0.4.0, 0.3.693

Last updated

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